People at UBIC

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Title People at UBIC
Identifier 8700.tif
Creator Thorne, L.C.
Subject Fairs--UBIC; People
Description People gather at Fort Duchesne for UBIC. Tents can be seen in the background. People often stayed over for the three day fair.
Publisher Uintah County Library Regional History Center
Date 1938
Type Image
Format image/jpeg
Language eng
Rights Management Digital image, copyright 2006 Uintah County Library
Archival Resolution 4800 x 3400 pixels; 2500 ppi
Low Resolution 800 x 600 pixels
Bit Depth 8
Scanning Device Creo-scitex Jazz + flatbed scanner
Scanning Technician Aric Hansen
Spatial Coverage Fort Duchesne (Utah)
Donor Rhoda Deved
Source Material B&W Negative and print
ARK ark:/87278/s6sv14p8
Setname ucl_tp
ID 404607
Reference URL